December 16, 2019-December 17, 2019
National Business Institute (NBI)
Los Angeles
Who Should Attend
This seminar is designed for professionals involved in drafting and administering trusts:
- Attorneys
- Accountants and CPAs
- Trust Officers
- Tax Managers
- Wealth Managers
- Financial Planners
- Nursing Home Administrators
- Paralegals
Event Description
Make the Best Use of Today’s Top Trusts We’ve expanded on our top “Trusts 101” course to give you even more unique trusts structures, sample provisions language, and reasoning for which planning tools better suit specific client situations. Understand the key structures and uses of today’s top trusts and anticipate administration challenges and tax consequences. Register today!
- Get an update on the current laws and tax regs governing the trusts practice.
- Analyze all key factors in selecting the best trust option for each unique situation.
- Learn when and how IRA trusts are used.
- Define powers and duties of all trust parties to smooth implementation and prevent disputes.
- Save drafting time with sample trust language.
- Clarify who your client is to avoid conflicts of interest and other ethical violations.
- Minimize your client’s tax burdens with effective use of defective trusts.
- Get practical guidance for drafting unique, single purpose trusts for pets, firearms, etc.
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